The Rise and Fall of Reconstruction in Virginia
Lesson 6: Why Reconstruction Failed
Time Estimated: 1 days
Students will:
- Learn why Reconstruction was not successful and eventually ended.
- Outline information by identifying main ideas and details.
- Students will pair up and read a textbook version of the major events during Reconstruction (If access is available, view the United Streaming video entitled "American Civil War, Reconstruction ( United Streaming. January 25, 2005 This video includes highlights of the events that occurred during Reconstruction which contributed to its demise.)
- Ask students to develop a timeline of Reconstruction events- Students will review the text/and or video by completing a teacher directed outline. For a reference for teachers see
- Students will be given a blank outline worksheet entitled, Why Reconstruction Failed. They will copy the outline from the overhead as it is completed. Discuss with students three main ideas why Reconstruction failed.
- President Andrew Johnson and Congress
- Southern Attitudes
- Northern Interference
Ask students for facts supporting each main idea.
One of the following software programs will assist less able students:
- PicWriter- Matches pictures with words for non readers and writers. This outline allows the student to still be able to review the outline.
- Kurzweil 3000- outline can be scanned and then listened to by student